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Summer Spiedini

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  • 1 lb top sirloin (see Note 1)  thinly sliced and lightly pounded with mallet
  • 810 medium squid or 1 large Asian squid, cleaned and tentacles reserved
  • 1 large boneless skinless chicken breast
  • 1 cup breadcrumbs (I like to use panko breadcrumbs for the extra crunch)
  • ¼½ cup grated Parmesan or Pecorino cheese (or a combination)
  • 6 or so tbsp parsley, finely minced, divided into 3 portions
  • 1 lemon for juicing and more for garnish
  • Extra items for the skewers
    • Lemon wedges
    • Thickly sliced red onions
    • Heavy fresh herbal leaves such as bay, lemon, lime, kafkir lime
  • Salt and pepper
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • 12 or so 8-in. (or longer) bamboo skewers 


  • Prepare the breadcrumb mixture. Combine the breadcrumbs, cheese(s) and 2 tbsps minced parsley in a bowl. Add salt and pepper and taste the dry mixture. Add more cheese or salt/pepper as you like. You should taste the cheese but it shouldn’t be overpowering.
  • In a shallow cooking dish, soak the bamboo skewers in water for 30 minutes or more.
  • Prepare two small bowls for marinating. Add the squeezed juice from half of each lemon into each bowl. Add about the same about of olive oil , 3 tbsps minced parsley, salt and pepper to each bowl. Vigorously whisk each bowl until emulsified. 
  • Cut the chicken breast into 1-inch chunks and add to one bowl and toss. Add the cleaned squid to the other bowl and toss (if using large Asian squid, cut into 1-inch ribbons before adding). Let both bowls marinate in the fridge for 1 hour (not more than 2).
  • Meanwhile, make the beef rolls. Spread out the breadcrumb on each piece of thin meat. Roll the up and cut into 1-inch segments. 
  • Build the skewers. Each skewer should have about 4 pieces of chicken, 4 1-inch beef rolls and 1 squid body and some tentacles. See Note #2 for some flavoring ideas.
  • Set out 2 plates 1) with olive oil and 2) with the remaining breadcrumb mixture. Dredge all 4 sides of each skewer in oil and then in the breadcrumbs. Set aside on a sheet pan. 
  • Heat your grill to a medium heat. Clean the grill and rub the grates with oil by dipping a paper towel in oil and using a long pair of tongs.
  • Grill the spiedini rotating to cook all sides. Each type of skewer will take a different amount of cooking. Use this guideline:
    • Chicken – internal temperature – 165℉.
    • Beef – internal temperature – 135℉-145℉
    • Squid – 2 minutes or until the squid turns opaque — any longer and they will be chewy
  • Serve with lots of lemon wedges.


Note #1 – Quick grilled beef spiedini need a lean cut of meat. I used top sirloin for the rolls. “Braciole” meat can be several different cuts of meat so ask your butcher. “Braciole” stewed in tomato sauce is typically a fatty cut of meat.

Note #2 – Be creative with the flavor additions you make to the spiedini. I found bright lemon slices go with squid, herbal bay laurel or other sturdy leaves go with otherwise boring chicken breast and earthy red onions go with beef.