Very cool! I arrived back from Montalcino to find that our little blog has been awarded another blogger award! Firstly, sincere grazie, grazie to Dutch Goes Italian for nominating our blog. The force behind Dutch Goes Italian is Letizia Argiolu who was born and raised in the Netherlands but now lives in Borgomanero in Italy. Please take a moment and check out her great blog! Secondly, I just need to send a big thank you to the blogging community for all the great support we continue to receive. We blog because we love to share and it is SO wonderful to meet many of you virtually – your amazing blogs are such inspiration. Well, enough of the acceptance speech …chuckle. We are supposed to include one random thing about us – that would have to be that my brother has been working hard at learning mobile app development (he is so talented!) and just submitted the ‘Our Italian Table’ iPad app for approval to Apple – fingers crossed! Stay tuned! Baci, baci.