Porcini, White Bean and Sausage Stew
Aaaahhh, my dear Isabella and Luigi….grazie mille for so many fond memories of Montalcino. Having just spent a few weeks on the international business trail, my …
Aaaahhh, my dear Isabella and Luigi….grazie mille for so many fond memories of Montalcino. Having just spent a few weeks on the international business trail, my …
Ahhh, Italian comfort food….and this is one of those dishes for me. After returning from an amazing week in Montalcino, I found myself in need …
Some days are just magical…and yesterday was one of those days. The town came alive as the festivities for Sagra unfolded…each quartieri arrived in the …
I love Italian market days and Friday is market day in Montalcino. Even the foggy, rainy morning did not keep the locals from climbing the …
Rainy Thursday morning here in Montalcino. Sitting at Fiaschetteria having my cappucino watching the raindrops softly fall on the Piazza di Popolo. The village is …
Buon giorno, tutti. Once again, I find myself at Cafe Fiaschetteria for my morning cappucino. Yesterday after arriving at Casa Vigneto, I again found myself …
Buon giorno, tutti. I have been wanting to see the sea near Tuscany for some time so even though off season, I ventured to the …
Buon giorno, tutti. Sitting at Cafe Fiaschettera in the Piazza del Popolo in Montalcino….enjoying a cappucino as the locals wander in for their morning cafe..pretty …
Although I dread the winter temps, I love when fall first arrives and my cooking turns to things stuffed, roasted or stewed. Friends arrived for …
I was searching for a different type of appetizer for a dinner party on Friday eve and stumbled upon an unusual ‘pizza’ made in the …
The 2009 grape harvest – ‘la vendemmia’ – has begun! My friends in Montalcino emailed that the harvesting of the much loved sangiovese grapes of Montalcino …
I have been watching the colors outside my kitchen window slowly turn to the earthy landscape of fall. I so love the rhythm of the …